Monday 8 August 2016

HOw To Choose The Best Domain Name For Your Blog Or Website

You’ll agree with me that, getting a good domain name today is tough. Every important English word you can think of has been registered as a domain name. Every 3-letter word has been registered. In 2014 there were 271 million active registered domain (Wikipedia). The number of registered domain is far far much than the number of website today simply because, the domain industry is full of opportunistic “traders” who buys domain not because they want to use it for themselves but because they want to resell it.
This is quite frustrating as you seek out domain name for your blog or website only to discover it has been taken by someone else. But that does not mean you can’t get a better one.
Follow these tips to get the best domain for your blog or website
1. You domain name should be based on your keyword: Your domain alone should give the reader an idea of what your website is about. A domain name like “ already tells you what the website is all about. Imagine you blogging about schools, admission, education and the likes and your domain name is something like, “”. It is not advisable to use your name unless it is a personal blog.
Creating a blog about short stories should contain words like “tale, tales, tell, story, fiction, etc.” Play around these words by combining them or adding suffixes and prefixes to get a good domain.

2. The shorter the better: Your visitors are more likely to come back to your blog/website if they remember the domain name. A short domain name is easier to remember than a longer one. So make sure your domain is as short as possible.
3. Make it unique: Making your domain name similar to a popular website already owned by someone else is a beginning of failure. I once made the mistake myself. I hurriedly bought a domain only to discover there’s another website with a very similar domain name
4. Use a Dot-com domain is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention your blog or website name. If you’re not concerned with “type-in” traffic, you shouldn’t be worried about this though. While typing in your domain name for the first time, the prospective visitor is bound to try the dot-com first and you may end up loosing them.
5. Avoid hyphens and numbers: it is hard to verbally give your domain name when numbers or hyphens are used. Something like, “,” will be hard to verbally give out without taking time to explain numbers and hyphen.
These are just a few tips to follow, but they’re the basic ones to consider when choosing a domain name.


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