Sunday 7 August 2016

Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Choosing A Niche

If you’re wondering what a niche is,a niche is a particularly focused topic which you want to blog about. Your niche may be on sport, health, fashion, entertainment, news, etc.
The blogging arena is now being populated. More people are becoming bloggers everyday. Most people are into blogging because they want to make quick money and buy their own Banana Island mansion. lol. So they just rush into it and start copy and pasting. Blogging is more than that. Don’t believe otherwise. 
Not choosing the right niche is the biggest mistake starters make. Have you ever felt like giving up on your blog? That’s probably because you chose the wrong niche. You should be passionate about what you’ve chosen to write/blog about.

Though, it is true that your chosen niche is something you’re passionate about, something you have a wide knowledge about, but you should know that some niche monetize better than others. Yes monetization should be part of your consideration in choosing a niche.
How then do you choose a niche?
How do you know which one is best for you? Read on.
Ask yourself these 3 questions before choosing a niche.

1. What are you interested in and can write very well about?

Everyone has things they love. It may be pets, gardening, cycling, painting, taking pictures (creative pictures) etc.
Just find that particular thing you’re interested in and have a wide knowledge about. If you’re interested in personal fitness, you know a lot of exercises to keep people fit or you can train people on how to keep fit. Then you have your niche. Asking yourself this first question, you should have a few niches to choose from unless you’re not interested in anything, which i don’t think is possible.

2. Are other people interested in them?

You are writing for people to read them, so it is very important to know if people are interested in the topic or not.
let’s say for example, you’re interested in circling, you love riding bicycle, you know all about the technical aspect, the chains, tires, pedals, and you can write very well about them. Now tell me, you think Nigerians are interested? You think you’ll get visitors? I don’t think so. maybe one or two.
So knowing people’s interests is a vital consideration in choosing a niche.
You can use Google Adwords keyword planner to do a research on how much people are interested in a keyword related to your niche. I’ll be writing more on that in my next post. Watch out!!!

3. Can you monetize your chosen niche?

This one is very important if you plan to make money from your blog which I think everybody does including me.
If anything can be bought related to your niche, then you can make money from your blog. i.e If you’re a tech blogger, tech products are related to your niche and can be bought online. If you’re a health blogger, health products are related to your niche and can be bought online. If you’re a fashion blogger, cloths, shoes, bags and many fashion products are related to your niche and can be bought online.
You’ll be able to find an affiliate program where these things can be bought from. You can join Konga Affiliate Program or Jumia Affiliate Program. There are also few affiliate programs that accepts Nigerians.Amazon is one of them.


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